What Lies Beneath
For anyone who knows me well, then public humiliation and ridicule is not top of my list for favourite pastimes. However, having made a decision to shape up and loose weight, I've had multiple people tell me I don't need to! Great that I'm obviously doing my job...
Wedding Colours To Suit You
Having celebrated my 10 year wedding anniversary this weekend I thought it fitting to make this months blog all about wedding colours. Looking and feeling fantastic on your wedding day is every brides dream. Good news for all you brides out there, as Colour Me...
Capsule Summer Packing!
It's that time of year again, schools have broken up and people are rushing around getting ready for their summer holidays. In years gone by, I've found the process of holiday packing a really stressful experience. However, having learnt from Colour Me Beautiful's...
Golden Goddess Or Silver Siren?
Having worked on hundreds of faces from age 11 all the way through to my colourful god mum (AKA Auntie June) at a carefree 80, it astounds me that colour theory isn't universally applied to make-up prescription. It is so important to choose the right tone and depth of...
Fashion Is Temporary, Style is Permanent!
Having launched my new "Dress To Impress" workshops this week I thought it appropriate to concentrate on style this month! We all have our own individual sense of style, some of us more creative than others who feel much happier sticking to what we've always done (I...
Spring Clean Your Accessories!
Spring has well and truly sprung and it's a great time of year to begin your annual Spring clean. why not try a different approach this year and Spring organise instead? Being a busy mum of two with lots of things to juggle I have to be very creative with how to get...
Sunglasses, finding the perfect pair!
Finding the perfect pair of sunglasses is no mean feet! There are lots of thing to consider whether it be colour, shape, style or cost! Knowing your face shape can really help when choosing the right pair of sunglasses. Here at Styled In Colour we talk about 5...
Black or Not Black
Many of my clients put a lot of worry in to whether or not black features in their palette. I can relate whole heartedly to this, as pre colour analysis I did not have any colour other than black in my wardrobe. It was my crutch, my confidence booster, my fat...
Pat On The Back M&S
I was delighted to see the new range of clothing made available at M&S this week that are suitable for children with special needs. Their extended line of all in ones and sleep suits for children up to the age of 7-8 years is a totally inspired idea for children...
New Year, New You
So here we are in January yet again! Cold, back at work, detoxing after all the Christmas cheer and generally feeling a little bit miserable right? Here at Styled In Colour I can kick start your new year by creating the very best version of you! I can help you look...
Look good- feel great- be confident

Colour Me Beautiful is recognised as the international leader in the colour, image and styling industry. Our fully trained consultants have been changing the lives of both men and women in Europe, Africa and The Middle East for over three decades
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