To Stitch or not to Stitch?
During my Capsule Wardrobe Workshops we spend a little time on how to carry out a successful wardrobe audit in which you are left with clothes that you look and feel good in. For those “maybe” pieces that you’re unsure of, there could be a solution in the form of a reputable dress maker.
I was recently tasked with the job of finding a full length dress for a black tie event that I’ll be attending later this month. Unfortunately, there was nothing to be found that matched my requirements of flattering, floor length and not black. I did have a dress which I’d been lucky enough to source as a bridesmaids dress 7 years ago (see the picture above) that was both floor length and colourful but the straps on it weren’t particularly flattering (making my shoulders look even wider than they are in their natural state)! A little bit of brainstorming with my style rules to hand and I found the perfect solution of having the dress altered by making the straps less “Grecian” and more “Halter-neck”. A trip to a fab local seamstress later (Michaela Sneddon at Measured and Made) and not only did I find that this was possible but I was also inspired to add a contrasting colour to the hem of the dress to lengthen it. Obviously, floor length for me is quite a challenge so this idea not only created my first ever floor length dress, aside from my wedding dress, but the clever idea of adding a contrasting colour worked to achieve a colour block which actually has the effect of making me look a little shorter, win-win!
I was able to chat through my ideas with an expert who could tell me if it was possible and the cost of having the work done was cheaper than buying a whole new outfit. I also get to wear the dress again which appeals to my Yorkshire inherited, no waste, state of mind!
The black tie event is quickly approaching and is a big deal for Styled In Colour as I’ve made it in to the final 3 for the “Creative” category in The Made In Bury Business Awards. I promise to share some pictures from the night in my December newsletter but there’s a sneak preview of the dress in the picture above (I’ve purposefully not shown the contrasting colour as I thought it might be fun for you to take a guess)!
For anyone who hasn’t signed up to receive my newsletter yet but who would like to be added to the mailing list, simple drop me a line to styledincolour@gmail.com.
Finally, for those of you who are interested in my Capsule Wardrobe Workshops, I have dates available in the New Year, simply call or text on 07941739347 or drop me an e-mail to the address above.
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