Christmas Time
It gets to this time of year and many of my clients start to panic over outfit choices for those all important Christmas Party’s. Whether it’s meeting your other halves work colleagues or spending time with your own team, we all want to arrive looking and feeling the very best we can.
There are many ways in which we can create optical illusions in the way that we dress or apply our make-up to make us look taller, shorter, slimmer, younger, even more powerful!
Starting form the head down, the way we cut or style our hair can have a big impact on our face shape. By giving my hair some volume at the top here, i’m creating the illusion of an oval faceshape. Because my face narrows out in to a point at the chin, by wearing drop earings i’am creating the appearance of a wider chin as you focus on the base of the earings rather than my narrow jaw line!
I have rather a long neck so i can accomondate the high neck line on this dress.
In choosing a mid tone colour, it’s more flattering on my larger frame than the pastels that feature heavily in my palette.
My top half is wider than my bottom half so i’ve choosen volume at the base of this dress to even out my shoulder width.
The embroidery on the top section of the dress acts to create a colour block, thereby breaking up my silhouette which has the effect of making me look shorter. I do this a second time by teaming the dress with black tights and shoes.
I think any outfit teamed with a glass of fizz is a winning combination for one and all!
Happy Christmas everyone!!!!
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