Spring Clean Your Accessories!
Spring has well and truly sprung and it’s a great time of year to begin your annual Spring clean. why not try a different approach this year and Spring organise instead?
Being a busy mum of two with lots of things to juggle I have to be very creative with how to get the best out of my time.
Looking and feeling good are both important to me, certainly in my chosen field, but I found that post children i’d almost given up on spending time on me.
My handbags were all stored away, replaced by the Mary Poppins of all changing bags and all my accessories were parked in the back of a drawer as it avoided them being tugged on or chewed!
I stopped wearing make-up as I couldn’t possibly factor that in to my already manic schedule and my hair was lucky to see a brush let alone a trip to the hairdresser.
All of this led me to feeling a little lost as all of the above things once created my identity and without them I morphed in to Sam and Ellie’s mum (no-one really knew my name anymore either)!
Gradually coming out of the “fog” that is the first few years of parenting, I decided that I could be in control of my identity again resulting in an automatic growth in self esteem and confidence.
I got creative with storage idea’s so that all my handbags/scarves and jewellery are in one place and can be easily seen and accessed.
This makes my morning routine much more time efficient but also gives me the chance to re connect with me again.
For anyone who recognises themselves in all of my waffle above, then please do spend some time on what makes you feel good! It’s worked for me!
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