Statement Skiwear
Lots of us get through these first dreary months of the year with the promise of your first holiday on the horizon. If you’re in the lucky group of individuals who are counting down to your annual skiing trip then why not take a little time out to plan your perfect outfit for the slopes. Choosing a colour that will stand out, will not only save you from getting lost (especially after a few après skis), but will also undoubtedly improve you skiing techniques as we already know that colour boosts confidence and with this comes improved posture, balance and poise surely a winning combination for all those black runs! If the idea of salopettes and ski jackets boasting colours aren’t for you, then why not consider adding a splash of colour in the way of a hat or neck gaiter combo.
With the tall genes very much running in my family, my sister Jo has always struggled to buy female skiwear for her 5ft 11″ frame. Instead she has had to opt for unshapely men’s jackets and salopettes in black, black and black again, just to get enough length in the sleeve and leg. Invariably this caused problems out on the slopes as people would presume she was a man and address her as “mate” until she turned around and they realised with varying degrees of embarrassment that she was in-fact female. Years of this can have a negative effect on self esteem, take it from the girl whose only “going out” shoe option at 17 was a pair of black Doc Martin boots, not the most flattering or feminine of footwear!
The answer was to hunt for a tall range of skiwear. Not to be defeated after 7 years of hunting and 2 trips to Holland whilst researching this, we’ve finally found a company called Colmar which do a skiwear range that is suitable for taller frames in colours that ooze femininity. Not only that but they are a reputable brand boasting 88 years of skiwear manufacturing experience. My sister definitely enjoyed sashaying down the slopes in Austria earlier this month in one of her “wow” colours and she didn’t get called “mate” once! Bonus!
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