It will be alright on the night!
Looking and feeling good, needn’t be saved for just those special occasions, we should be introducing this concept in to all areas of our lives, for this very reason, I never make any new purchases unless they make me feel good about myself. This even applies to sleepwear, as why shouldn’t we feel great when catching sight of ourselves first thing on a morning or last thing at night (or if you share my natural style personality, whenever the mood takes you)!
The first consideration when choosing the right sleepwear for you is your style personality. Are you motivated by comfort and practicality rather than how frilly and detailed an item is? Do you like everything to co-ordinate or are you happy adding a little flare with a mix and match option? Do you like to make a statement with your look no matter the occasion?
If you’re not sure on what motivates you in-terms of your style personality and would like to know more, then why not message me to be added to my monthly newsletter. This month’s edition covers all things style personality related so you can see what drives you when making those all important buying decisions. Once you figure out the looks that make you happy you can then tailor what you want with regards to colour and fit.
When up-dating my sleepwear, I take time to try on lots of different styles in a research capacity as this will then save such a great amount of time and energy in the future as you will know the certain cuts and styles that are great on you and your body shape. This will be more time efficient on future shopping trips as you know the styles to buy without necessarily needing to try them on!
- Leg length – with a 36″ inside leg I can only buy pyjama bottoms from Long Tall Sally or Tall Girls on line (otherwise I’m trying on half masts that make me feel miserable or men’s, that make me feel masculine). If you don’t fit the “average” bracket for leg length and have either extra long or extra short then research Tall or Petite options that are available to you. Alternatively a pyjama short might be better suited to you.
– Colour – for me, paler colours from my palette work better on my top half so I actively choose items that are not too dark.
- Length of top – being “long” everywhere I have to buy tops that are a bit more forgiving on length (this will apply to you if you are low-waisted). Monsoon are good on length, in addition to the obvious Long Tall Sally/Tall Girls. If you struggle with top length but are average height there’s nothing stopping you from trying tall ranges to get a better fit.
- Size of pattern – having a “grand” scale I actively choose patterns that complement this and go for larger and bolder prints where possible. If you are very petite, bolder patterns will swamp you so try for something finer.
- Use – being a natural style personality, I live in my sleepwear so it has to be fit for purpose, whether that be cleaning the bathroom, hovering the stairs, making tea or playing games with the kids. Negligée’s just wouldn’t work as they would make me feel uncomfortable and I would avoid wearing them so in turn they would sit in my wardrobe gathering dust.
- Body Shape – having a straight body line means that geometric patterns and stripes work best when considering patterns.
By considering all of the above, we can go the bed safe in the knowledge that we’re creating the best version of ourselves and that in turn is hugely rewarding. Happy shopping folks.
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