Time to Celebrate Pa Lockey!
With Father’s Day fast approaching, it felt only right to dedicate this month’s blog to my fabulous dad Brian who also goes by the names “Shovel Mitts Lockey” (I have never seen hands as big – now I know where I get my “large” scale from) and “Big Bri”.
At 74 my dad is a truly inspiring force of nature in my life. I owe many of my personality “strengths” to him including tenacity, attention to detail, a strong ethical code, loyalty and perhaps a splash of stubbornness (although some would argue that it’s more than just a splash, maybe I get a top up from Ma Lockey too)!
Physically, I take after my dad’s side of the family more so than my mums so have been “blessed” with more than a few challenges! Shoulders that would work well in an American football team, acne prone skin, a bottom lip you could park a bus on, size 10 feet and the piece de resistance, my statuesque height of 6ft 4″.
Having said all that, for all of my physical challenges I have, in time learnt not only to accept them but to embrace them and use them to my advantage. All of the above attributes have helped to shape the person I am today and for that I’m so very grateful. Without my hang-up’s I would have never pursued a session with a colour consultant nor would I have gone back for a styles session. In turn I would never have found contentment in the way that I look and would never have had the confidence to open Styled In Colour, in order to give others that feeling of confidence in the way that they look.
With Father’s day on Sunday, I give thanks to my dad for supporting me to find the one thing I think many of us are searching for but not all of us are lucky enough to experience. I owe much of my true happiness to my dad, thank youxxx
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