Time to celebrate Moma Lockey!
Mother’s day fast approaching, it seems only right that my lovely “Moma” Mary get a mention. Having lived through every stage of Styled In Colour’s journey from the very moment I had my colours done as a very shy 23 year old to the grand opening of my new business two years ago this month, my mum has been there to celebrate every success, support me through every bump in the road and offer advice at every turn. I just wanted to say a very heartfelt, if not a little public, “THANK YOU” for arming me with all that you have over the years.
I think it’s really easy to take mums (and dads, but that’s another day entirely) for granted, and it’s only now that I’m walking in her shoes, attempting to raise 2 children as oppose to her 3, that I fully understand the relentless job title that comes hand in hand with the role of a mum. If I can do only half the job that my mum did and still continues to do, I will be confident in the knowledge that I have got it right.
Now a blog of mine wouldn’t be a blog if I didn’t share with you some pearls of wisdom! My mum is approaching 74 years young and would you believe that the photo of her above in the moss green coat was actually taken 18 years ago whilst I was studying in Manchester. Conversely the photo of my mum in cornflower blue was taken just a couple of years ago. I find it staggering when I look at these two pictures, just what a difference wearing the right colours can do for you. My mum LOVED the moss green coat (mainly because it was a bargain in the M&S sale, but also because the style of the coat was perfect for my mum’s body shape). The fact that the colour of the coat made her look 16 years (if not more) older has only since been agreed when she very publically saw these pictures of herself at an event I was speaking at (see, she really does have to put up with a lot)! Said coat has now been banished to the back of the wardrobe and mum has found a delightful icy blue replacement that not only suits her natural colourings but works to enhance her body shape!
For anyone wanting to treat their mums this Mother’s Day to a gift with a difference then why not consider purchasing a gift voucher from Styled In Colour and you can arm that lovely lady in your life with the knowledge of how to make themselves look younger, fitter and healthier simply by wearing the right colours! For more information simply give me a call on 07941739347 or email me at styledincolour@gmail.com
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